[LTER-hbr_grad] LTER ASM

Timothy James Fahey tjf5 at cornell.edu
Mon Jun 8 08:54:32 MDT 2015


   The LTER All Scientists meeting is August 30th through September 2nd in Estes Park, Colorado. Funding is available to support the travel and housing for 6 or 7 graduate students from Hubbard Brook. Please let me know ASAP whether you would like to attend. If more than 7 students apply we will try to disburse the funding across as many institutions as possible and give preference to more advanced students who are presenting a poster at the meetings. Let me know your grad status and whether you will present.

   The deadline for housing applications is June 29th, and I'll let you know about funding before then. The website for the meeting is http://asm2015.lternet.edu.

Tim Fahey

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