[LTER-hbr_grad] Hubbard Brook Graduate Student Community Meeting, Thursday, July 9 at 1:30 pm

Sanders-Demott, Rebecca rsdemott at bu.edu
Wed Jul 1 11:43:45 MDT 2015

Hello All,

I'd like to invite you, the Hubbard Brook Graduate Student community, to meet as a group on Thursday, July 9 from 1:30-2:30 pm, following the close of the official Annual Cooperators Meeting next week.

The goals of this meeting are to:

-          Formally introduce all current HB grad students to one another

-          Discuss opportunities for student communication and collaboration across institutions

-          Collect ideas for workshops or collaborative projects (e.g. information management training with Mary Martin, accountability groups, sharing methods, etc.)

If you have any other ideas for issues to discuss as a group or ideas for the Hubbard Brook community in general, please feel free to share these thoughts in this informal meeting as well!

Please RSVP to rsdemott at bu.edu<mailto:rsdemott at bu.edu> by Tuesday, July 7.

Thanks so much and see you next week!


Rebecca Sanders-DeMott
PhD Candidate
Templer Lab
Boston University
5 Cummington Street
Boston, MA 02215
(617) 353-2462

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