[LTER-grad-rep] LTER grad rep survey

Siddharth Iyengar iyeng029 at umn.edu
Thu Jun 9 13:19:26 MDT 2016

Hi Grad Reps
We so far have responses from 11 sites for the survey. Thank you so much
for your insightful feedback!
We'd love to hear from all the rest of you soon, as we're going to present
the feedback resulting from this to the LTER NCO soon. So please do fill it
out if you haven't already.
The link to the survey is:

Also, a reminder to encourage students at your site to take photos and
write stories for the LTER students blog <https://ssalterblog.wordpress.com>!
It's a lovely effort that is pretty easy to contribute to
<https://ssalterblog.wordpress.com/write-a-post/>, so please do solicit
articles and send them along.

Siddharth and Alix

On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 11:53 AM, Conway, Alix <alix.conway at usask.ca> wrote:

> Hello LTER grad reps,
> If some of you are not aware, myself (Alix Conway) and Siddharth Iyengar
> are your LTER graduate co-chairs. We have put together a survey, with help
> from many others during the LTER ASM this past September, that we would
> really appreciate you filling out. Siddharth and I are trying to gauge the
> grad student community at each of the LTERs to better understand how we can
> represent you, and the needs of graduate students, to the Network
> Communications Office. The survey should not take make more than 10 minutes
> and we would really like to have representation from all LTERs.
> The link to the survey is:
> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1pCtjtezUrKWwesENBtUK2E4Li3gXOk9UNm1KfwF6iVE/viewform
> If you are currently not the grad rep at your LTER can you please respond
> to me (alix.conway at usask.ca) and let me know. It’s fine if you don’t know
> who the current grad rep is, but it will let me know which LTER managers to
> contact to get the grad rep list-serve up to date!
> Thanks for your time, and if you have any questions concerning the survey
> or grad student representation then please feel free to email myself, or
> Siddharth (siddharth at umn.edu), and we’d be happy to help out!
> Alix Conway
> PhD Candidate
> Northern Plant Ecology Lab (http://npelusask.weebly.com/)
> Department of Biology
> University of Saskatchewan
> Long Term Ecological Research Network graduate student co-chair

Siddharth Bharath Iyengar,
Graduate Student; Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour,
Fellow, Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Global Change,
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Office: 509 Ecology Building, 1987 Upper Buford Circle, St. Paul, MN 55108
siddharth at umn.edu
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