[LTER-gis] Fwd: Auto-discard notification

Marty Downs downs at nceas.ucsb.edu
Sun Mar 19 05:42:42 PDT 2017

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Duane, Maureen" <maureen.duane at oregonstate.edu>
To: "'forestsat at cof.orst.edu'" <forestsat at cof.orst.edu>
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2016 22:54:03 +0000
Subject: Special Issue of the journal Forests: Remote Sensing of Forest

Attention ForestSAT community,

In early November, we sent an announcement out regarding the special issue
of the journal *Forests *being put together by Dr. Warren Cohen and Dr.
Sean Healy. The original announcement contained some errors. Please accept
our apologies and see the attached (or the text below) for updated
information about this call for submissions.

Special Issue - Remote Sensing of Forest Disturbance

Message from the Guest Editors

Dear Colleagues,

Exciting advances are occurring in the field of remotely sensed forest
disturbance detection, involving: sensor fusion; new and increasingly
institutionalized applications; characterization of type and magnitude of
change; improvement to computing and data system resources; and more
sophisticated time series analysis. This Special Issue of Forests will
highlight both new techniques and new applications. Research may take place
anywhere in the world, using any combination of sensors, but must represent
fundamental advances in how remotely sensed data are used. Application of
established methods in new areas is not within the issue’s scope. All
manuscripts must address validation and uncertainty. Submissions are
welcomed until 2 June, 2017.

Dr. Sean P. Healey

USDA Forest Service,

Rocky Mountain

Research Station,

Ogden, UT, USA

seanhealey at fs.fed.us

Dr. Warren B. Cohen

USDA Forest Service,

Pacific Northwest

Research Station,

Corvallis, OR, USA

wcohen at fs.fed.us

Deadline for manuscript


2 June 2017

Forests Editorial Office

forests at mdpi.com

St. Alban-Anlage 66, 4052 Basel, Switzerland

Tel. +41 61 683 77 34 <+41%2061%20683%2077%2034>, Fax: +41 61 302 89 18
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