[LTER-education] Fw: Virtual field learning at field stations and marine labs--input requested

Johnston, Cora Ann (caj2dr) caj2dr at virginia.edu
Thu May 7 07:14:35 PDT 2020

Hi LTER folks,
If you haven't seen this emerging work yet and you (or someone at your site) conducts field courses, please take a moment to read this email thread and complete the brief questionnaire.
Very briefly: Organization for Biological Field Stations (OBFS) and UFERN are teaming up with others to develop virtual supports for field learning. The station side of things has officially received RAPID funding and includes something like 45 stations across 6 countries.


Please click here<https://umich.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bIrxKvERgOoviEB> to take a very short survey (only 6 multiple-choice questions) with questions about timing and topics for any virtual field courses happening at your marine lab or field station.

Cora A. Johnston, PhD
Site Director


E coraj at virginia.edu
P 757.620.7016

University of Virginia
Virginia Coast Reserve LTER
Anheuser-Busch Coastal Research Center
6364 Cliffs Road
Cape Charles, VA 23310

ABCRC: https://www.abcrc.virginia.edu/siteman2/<https://www.abcrc.virginia.edu/siteman2/><https://www.abcrc.virginia.edu/siteman2/>

LTER: www.vcrlter.virginia.edu/home2/<https://www.vcrlter.virginia.edu/home2/>

"Science is the process that takes us from confusion to understanding in a manner that's precise, predictive and reliable - a transformation, for those lucky enough to experience it, that is empowering and emotional.  We must embark on a cultural shift that places science in its rightful place...as an indispensable part of what makes life worth living."   -B. Greene

[University of Virginia]<http://www.virginia.edu/>


From: obfs-mail-list-request at ucdavis.edu <obfs-mail-list-request at ucdavis.edu> on behalf of Lorentz, Christopher N. <Lorentc at thomasmore.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, May 6, 2020 12:01 PM
To: obfs-mail-list at ucdavis.edu <obfs-mail-list at ucdavis.edu>
Cc: O'Connell, Kari Elizabeth Bisbee <kari.oconnell at oregonstate.edu>; Stephanie Shaulskiy <sshauls at umich.edu>; alison.jolley at waikato.ac.nz <alison.jolley at waikato.ac.nz>
Subject: [obfs-mail-list] Virtual field learning at field stations and marine labs--input requested

OBFS Community,

I'm pleased to share information about an exciting collaborative effort, related to virtual learning at FSMLs and complementary to the recent RAPID proposal submitted by Claudia Luke, Hilary Swain and Kari O'Connell.  This potential RAPID proposal will focus on student sense of community in virtual field learning environments.

The Co-PIs (listed below and cc'd here) have offered us the opportunity to provide input on our current activities.  Your feedback will help assess the impact of Covid-19 on field courses and also help assess the feasibility of the proposed project.   Please consider taking the very short survey (6 questions) at your earliest convenience and no later than May 13.   The link is embedded below, along with a message from the project leaders.

We're excited about this proposal, as well as all the other ways, you have managed to provide programs and provide value for your stakeholders and for the broader general public, particularly during this critical period.  It's inspiring to see the resiliency and adaptability of this community.

Continued best wishes with all your work, and thanks, in advance, for your participation in the survey.  Your feedback is invaluable and much appreciated.

Chris Lorentz
(OBFS President)

May 06, 2020

Hi OBFSers and friends,

We are excited about a potential opportunity to assist you in your efforts, particularly those efforts related to virtual learning at field stations and marine labs.

Building on the work of UFERN<http://ufern.net/>, an NSF-funded Research Coordination Networks grant focused on understanding the value of undergraduate field education, we are planning a RAPID proposal to NSF. This potential RAPID proposal will be complementary and build on The Virtual Field RAPID proposal recently submitted by Claudia Luke, with involvement by many in the OBFS community.  Our planned proposal, which is still in ideation, will focus on student sense of community in virtual field learning environments.

Please click here<https://umich.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bIrxKvERgOoviEB> to take a very short survey (only 6 multiple-choice questions) with questions about timing and topics for any virtual field courses happening at your marine lab or field station this summer.

Your answers will contribute both to a summary of the impact of Covid-19 on field courses and will give us information about whether our proposal idea is even possible.

If you are not the person who teaches or knows about the field courses at your station or marine lab, please forward on to the appropriate teaching faculty. Because time is short, please fill out the survey, at your earliest convenience, preferably no later than next Wednesday, May 13.

We so appreciate your taking the short survey! Your input is invaluable.


Stephanie Shaulskiy, University of Michigan Biological Station

Alison Jolley, University of Waikato

Kari O’Connell, Oregon State University

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