[LTER-education] REU application help

Alexandra Rose alexandra.rose at colorado.edu
Fri Feb 15 12:53:30 PST 2019

Hi Everyone,
Niwot Ridge is in the process of revisiting how we recruit and review prospective REU applicants. In particular, we are increasingly partnering with regional community colleges for various things, and I'm hoping that we can find our two REU students this year  through some of the contacts we've developed at those colleges. Normally we ask REU applicants to submit cover letters, resumes, transcripts, etc. But I realize that many of the community college students that we would like to apply may not have any relevant prior research experience, or even very many of the courses that one would expect to see on a transcript. I'm curious if any other sites have grappled with this, and whether you have some kind of alternative application expectations... personal essays, questions, even video submissions that might better assess the motivation and character of students who aren't coming via a traditional 4 year science major college route?

Thanks, all!

Alexandra P. Rose, PhD
CU Science Discovery
Niwot Ridge and McMurdo LTER
4001 Discovery Dr., 610 UCB
SEEC, Room S230B
Boulder, CO 80309
Teen Science Café<https://www.colorado.edu/sciencediscovery/programs/teen-science-cafe>

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