[LTER-diversity] Fwd: Apply for online Facilitating Entering Mentoring workshop (August 2-6)

Marty Downs downs at nceas.ucsb.edu
Tue Jun 15 13:02:41 PDT 2021


Marty Downs (she/her)  |  ORCID <https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2833-956X>
Director, LTER Network Office
617-833-7930 (m)

*~~I sometimes find it convenient to email on nights and weekends. *
*That doesn't mean I expect you to reply.~~*

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Julia Vander Meer <julia.vandermeer at wisc.edu>
Date: Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 12:51 PM
Subject: Apply for online Facilitating Entering Mentoring workshop (August
To: Julia Vander Meer <julia.vandermeer at wisc.edu>

Dear Colleagues,

Limited spots are available to apply for *Entering Mentoring Facilitator
hosted by the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in
Research (CIMER) <https://cimerproject.org/#/>. This 6-session online
facilitator training workshop is designed to increase the capacity for
research mentor trainings offered at colleges and universities, research
institutes, and governmental organizations. The National Academies report *The
Science of Effective Mentorship in STEMM*
recommends *Entering Mentoring* as one form of mentorship education that
can help improve mentoring relationships.

*Workshop Overview:*

During this *6-session online “train-the-trainer” workshop from** August
2-6, 2021 *(full schedules and link below), participants are
introduced to *Entering
Mentoring*, a mentor training curriculum that addresses the following key
topics: aligning expectations, addressing equity and inclusion,
articulating your mentoring philosophy and plan, fostering independence,
maintaining effective communication, and promoting professional
development. Participants will learn evidence-based approaches to
implementing research mentor training and gain the knowledge, confidence,
and facilitation skills needed to design and implement training at their
institution or organization.

*Participants are...*

   1. Faculty, instructors, staff, or administrators.
   2. Working with mentors whose trainees are undergraduate students,
   graduate students, postdocs, or junior faculty. Our workshop materials are
   currently optimized for use across science, technology, engineering,
   mathematics, and medicine fields.
   3. Committed to co-facilitating at least one research mentor training
   workshop within the next year.
   4. *Available to attend all 6 sessions*. You must attend the majority of
   the sessions including session 5 to become a designated trained facilitator.

*Registration Details:*

   - Registration fee is $1,695 per participant.
   - This workshop is limited to 24 participants. We highly encourage teams
   of two or more people from an institution or organization (limit 4) to
   attend together. Each individual needs to register.
   - The deadline to register is July 12, and is on a first-come,
   first-served basis. If the workshop is full, we will add you to a waitlist
   and notify you if a spot becomes available.
   - To secure your spot at this workshop, complete the following steps:

   - *Step 1:* Pre-register by completing our brief 10-15 minute Google
      Form for your preferred dates (link below). You will need to upload a
      professional photo or headshot as well as a brief bio (max 250 words)
      describing your title, research focus, mentoring experience, and interest
      in facilitating mentor training. This information will be shared with
      workshop participants during the training.

o    *Step 2:* Once you have completed pre-registration, you will receive
an email from Julia Vander Meer, CIMER Program Manager, with a link to pay
the $1,695 registration fee. Your registration will only be complete once
we receive your payment.

*Workshop Schedule:*

Sessions 1-3: Experience Research Mentor Training as a mentor

Sessions 4-6: Learn to facilitate and plan your own implementation

*August 2-6. 2021:*

Google registration form (deadline July 12, 2021):

Please contact us at Julia.vandermeer at wisc.edu if you have additional



Julia Vander Meer

*Program Manager*


Wisconsin Center for Educational Research

1025 West Johnson Street | Suite 557 | Madison, Wisconsin 53706

CIMERProject.org <http://cimerproject.org/>
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