[LTER-commcom] Community platform

Marty Downs downs at nceas.ucsb.edu
Mon Nov 16 22:22:14 PST 2020

Dear LTER Exec and Communications Committee members,
Your profile on the new community platform has been activated. You should
have received an email with a link to login. Please login and start poking
around. Add your notes below the yellow line in this document:
Please include a name so I can follow up for details, if needed.

It isn't exactly ready to go yet, but it won't start looking like much
until people login and start using it.

*Questions for feedback:* Is the login process clear? Is it too long?

I'm still working on onboarding guidance, but -- once you are in, do you
have some idea what to do? What aspects are confusing to you? What
information would you like to see?

Thanks, Marty

Marty Downs (she/her)  |  ORCID <https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2833-956X>
Director, LTER Network Office
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
University of California - Santa Barbara
https://lternet.edu   |   LTER Zotero
<https://www.zotero.org/groups/2055673/lter_network/library>  |  Twitter

805-893-7549 (o)  | 617-833-7930 (m)

*~~I sometimes find it convenient to email on nights and weekends. *
*That doesn't mean I expect you to reply.~~*
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