[LTER-commcom] LTER calendars

Doll, Julie jedoll at msu.edu
Fri Feb 21 12:41:56 PST 2020

Hi Communication Committee:

We have received about 80 extra calendars from the printer (extras, free). I’m happy to ship them to one place. Maybe distribute them at a spring national conference? Would be a shame to wait until ESA, but that’s an option, too. I could ship them direct to NSF, too, if Cheryl Dybas would want more. Or maybe our kbs PI could take them to the science council meeting.



Julie E. Doll, Ph.D.

Education & Outreach Specialist | Agriculture & Ecology
Kellogg Biological Station Long-term Ecological Research Program | Michigan State University

Find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/KBS.LTER<https://www.facebook.com/KBS.LTER> or Twitter @KBSLTER

269-671-2266 (office)

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