[LTER-commcom] Need input - LTER calendar distribution list

Doll, Julie jedoll at msu.edu
Thu Oct 31 10:49:09 PDT 2019

Hi LTER Comm Comm,

Liz and I are excited to report that we are on target for printing the 2020 LTER 40th Year Anniversary Calendar. Marty has been helping us think through a distribution plan for the calendars of which we are planning to order 1000. (We are only $300 short! Let me know if you have any brilliant ideas for coming up with that money). I’d love your thoughts on the following plan:

  1.  LTER sites – 700 CALENDARS:
     *   Each site will receive 25 calendars. I’ll send a note to PIs next week informing them of this and suggesting a few ways to distribute them:

                                                              i.      share with university administrators, grants offices

                                                             ii.      share with field station staff/managers

                                                           iii.      send along with holiday messages to partners and collaborators

                                                           iv.      send along with holiday messages to major individual donors, benefactors, neighbors

                                                             v.      local media contacts

                                                           vi.      artists in residence

                                                         vii.      site PIs/co-PIs, techs, etc.

                                                       viii.      use as incentives/prizes to attend meetings!

  1.  LTER NCO – 300 CALENDARS to send to:
     *   NSF
     *   NOAA
     *   USFS
     *   US Park Service
     *   Synthesis Centers: Powell Center, SESYNC, NimBIOS, Idiv
     *   The SACNAS conference
     *   AGU meeting
     *   Others?

Who are we forgetting? Thanks for your help,

Julie E. Doll, Ph.D.

Education & Outreach Specialist
Agriculture & Ecology

Kellogg Biological Station Long-term Ecological Research Program
Michigan State University

Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/KBS.LTER<https://www.facebook.com/KBS.LTER>


269-671-2266 (office)

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