[LTER-commcom] details for the ASM - and a request for help!

Hart, Clarisse hart3 at fas.harvard.edu
Sun Sep 23 19:35:16 PDT 2018

Greetings, LTER Communication Committee!

We know we owe you meeting notes from our last meeting (that's on me, sorry), but as we sprint toward the All Scientists' Meeting, I wanted to reach out about some pressing details:

  *   Our Business Meeting at ASM is Tuesday, Oct. 2 at 7:00pm

To avoid other conflicts, we decided to put our committee meeting time in the evening (which means you will all likely get to meet my hopefully-not-too-sleepy baby). You'll see it in the official ASM schedule. In the agenda, we'll do business things like voting for new co-chairs, but since the meeting is open to all interested folks, we'll start by sharing communications successes and challenges from sites, discuss our goals for the coming year, and finalize how we are going to spend our committee funds. Sounds great, right? We hope to see you there!

  *   NCO needs help with video interviews

The NCO will be videotaping informal interviews of ASM participants to create jazzy, shareable videos of why LTER is important and great. They'll be busy running the equipment so they need interviewers to play Terry Gross and ask the questions. Are you available Tuesday afternoon at 3:30, or during any of the mealtimes? If you're interested, contact Kristen (weiss at nceas.ucsb.edu<mailto:weiss at nceas.ucsb.edu>) and she'll get you into the loop.

  *   Help with undergrad poster contest judging

Julie and I are also on the LTER higher ed working group, which collaborated with the NCO and NSF to bring 15 recent REU students to the ASM. We've instituted an undergrad poster contest, focused on science communication, in honor of Art Schwarzschild, whom many of you will remember from his work in education and the arts during his years at the VCR. It's open to all undergrads at the meeting. We're putting up some cash for the student prizes, plus 1st 2nd and 3rd place will each get a student membership to ESA. The ask is that we need help with poster judging on Monday and Tuesday (ideally during the evening when presenters are there). We have a simple rubric and each judge should only need to do a few posters. Can you help?

Will follow up with those August meeting notes before our ASM session. :)

Thanks! Hope to see many of you soon!

Clarisse Hart
Outreach & Education Director

Harvard Forest
Harvard University
324 North Main Street
Petersham, MA 01366

(978) 756-6157 phone
(978) 724-3595 fax

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