[LTER-commcom] next LTER Comm. meeting & plans for the ASM

Hart, Clarisse hart3 at fas.harvard.edu
Thu May 31 13:09:05 PDT 2018

Hi LTER CommComm members,
Just a reminder to please fill in the doodle for our August meeting.

Right now it's looking like the date will be Aug. 13, 14, 16, 20, or 21!

Julie & Clarisse

Clarisse Hart
Outreach & Development Manager
for Education & Research Programs

Harvard Forest
Harvard University
324 North Main Street
Petersham, MA 01366

(978) 756-6157 phone
(978) 724-3595 fax

On the web:

From: Hart, Clarisse
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2018 12:44 PM
To: commcom at lternet.edu
Subject: next LTER Comm. meeting & plans for the ASM

Hi LTER CommComm!

Here is a doodle poll for our next meeting: https://doodle.com/poll/93rqqeg9yczdxv3b<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__doodle.com_poll_93rqqeg9yczdxv3b&d=DwMFAg&c=nE__W8dFE-shTxStwXtp0A&r=87QCH_ywNlSBk925qnOavQ&m=sqMi6LA9Xm0-en1gEQEerm3KKPbVKy5AYU18v1vMi80&s=B_oth9T5LEjun2rvxjQvwK1UOcfRpAoiv2HnMO5c54E&e=>

Importantly, we need to discuss how our committee will spend its allotted $3000 for this year as well as last year (totaling $6000) - thanks, NCO!

For the ASM, since the proposal deadline is prior to our next meeting, we wanted to follow up from the conversation at our last meeting and let you know we're planning to submit two meetings for communication:

  *   a broader meeting for site-level Communication reps. to
     *   hold a couple of nuts-and-bolts-type mini-training discussions (like 15 minutes on how to make the best use of Google Analytics on your site website)
     *   solicit membership for our committee
  *   AFTER the broader meeting, a business meeting for this committee to
     *   hopefully welcome new members
     *   hold co-chair elections
     *   talk plans for the coming year

These sessions will be in addition to the 6 or 7 communications workshop sessions being hosted by the NCO, and a suite of really excellent sessions being offered by the Education and Diversity committees.

We at Harvard Forest will be submitting a two-part session on broader impacts related to land-use change research. If you are submitting communications-related workshops, can you email the full committee to let us know?

Julie & Clarisse

Clarisse Hart
Outreach & Development Manager
for Education & Research Programs

Harvard Forest
Harvard University
324 North Main Street
Petersham, MA 01366

(978) 756-6157 phone
(978) 724-3595 fax

On the web:

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