[LTER-commcom] next LTER Comm. Comm. call
Hart, Clarisse
hart3 at fas.harvard.edu
Sun Mar 25 11:28:31 PDT 2018
Dear LTER Communications Committee,
Your co-chairs are back in action (thanks for your patience) and energized to get things going with this committee!
Here is a scheduling poll<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__doodle.com_poll_qdmdhve9z2ygpypa&d=DwMFAg&c=nE__W8dFE-shTxStwXtp0A&r=87QCH_ywNlSBk925qnOavQ&m=XZFEuEXfpjVxopHV5maqgWU_-hY9It4qaETx8VTP3ww&s=Is-VfIuMpmNdY71uaMHEYhKe7YQGv4WxNH8tRa2JSYg&e=> to set our spring conference call (note that the times appear in your own timezone), and below is a draft agenda. Please email any additions!
* Introduce Kristen Weiss, new NCO Comm. Coordinator (5 mins)
* Hear NCO comm. plans for ASM, discuss additions (25 mins)
* Update from Peter Groffman on LTER Stories project (10 mins)
* Feedback on NCO's new site-based website recommendations (10 mins)
* Other business?
* Confirm action items & schedule August call
Julie & Clarisse
Clarisse Hart
Outreach & Development Manager
for Education & Research Programs
Harvard Forest
Harvard University
324 North Main Street
Petersham, MA 01366
(978) 756-6157 phone
(978) 724-3595 fax
On the web:
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