[LTER-commcom] announcing the new Andrews Forest website!

DiGregorio, Lina Lina.DiGregorio at oregonstate.edu
Mon May 1 11:35:09 PDT 2017

Hello, LTER Communications Committee

I wanted to share with you the announcement, below, about the new website for the Andrews Forest LTER program.

In terms of site communications efforts, this project has been a big one for us. We moved from a dynamically-driven page technology to a drupal solution with static pages.  The technology change required that we comb through all content on our old site and move over only what we wanted to carry forward. This, in turn, gave us the opportunity to think about what information we had and who our audiences are for the site.  We’re excited about the end result!

Best wishes,

The Andrews Forest has a newly-designed website!

We invite you to explore http://andrewsforest.oregonstate.edu<http://andrewsforest.oregonstate.edu/>
 ·         Use the search bar across the top to find publications, data, and web pages.

·         Dig deeper into publications and data using the Advanced Search.

·         Flip to “Quick Links” at the bottom of the homepage to access frequently-used pages.

·         Spark your imagination, and maybe tickle your funny bone, through “By the Numbers” on the homepage.
 But wait! There's more–much more! You can see photos, history, maps, detailed watershed descriptions, education materials, and real-time data.  The new site is mobile friendly, so you can access it on your computer, phone, or tablet.
 After you’ve taken a trip or two through the site, we’d love your feedback. Your ideas and input are important and will help us make the site even better. Use the feedback form at http://oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_erIi09fCNm2HisZ
Happy Exploring!

The HJ Andrews Experimental Forest and Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) site is supported through a partnership between Oregon State University, USDA Forest Service's Pacific Northwest Research Station, and the Willamette National Forest.  Funding for the LTER research program is provided by the National Science Foundation.

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