[LTER-commcom] next LTER Communication Committee call - Feb. 11

Hart, Clarisse hart3 at fas.harvard.edu
Mon Feb 1 07:58:30 MST 2016

Dear LTER Communication committee:

We're looking forward to our conference call on Thursday, Feb. 11 at 3pm ET. Call-in info is at the bottom of this message.

Here is the draft agenda, with some questions for you to consider in advance of the meeting (please email your thoughts if you cannot attend).
Please suggest additional agenda items if you have them.

1.       Introduce Marty Downs, NCO Communications Officer

2.       Committee membership

a.       What would be the ideal membership of this committee?

b.      Do/should we have representation on Science Council?

3.       Committee goals/activities

a.       What do we suggest as near-term internal and external communication priorities for LTER?

b.      Question for Marty: How can we assist with the NCO's strategic communications planning process, website creation, and other goals?

c.       The current list of communications point people for each site is outdated and somewhat haphazard; can we improve this?

4.       Synthesis working groups hosted by NCO: is there a communication component that this group can assist with?

5.       How frequently should we meet?

Here's the call-in info:

Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android: https://msu.zoom.us/j/345323461

Or join by phone:

    +1 415 762 9988 or +1 646 568 7788 US Toll

    Meeting ID: 345 323 461

Clarisse & Julie

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