[LTER-chairs] FW: LTER Committee reports and prospects

Peter Groffman Peter.Groffman at asrc.cuny.edu
Fri May 13 13:19:53 MDT 2016

Dear LTER Committee Chairs,

The LTER Science Council meets next week and we will have time for presentation/discussion of committee reports.  We are also in the process of revising our by-laws and are therefore revisiting the need for all of our "standing" and "ad hoc" committees.

So it would be great if you could send me reports (these can be quite informal - a few lines in an email would be fine) as well as  some thoughts about the need for your committee to continue or not by next Wednesday, May 18.

I realize that this request comes very late and if you don't have time to respond so quickly that is perfectly fine. If you can't get me a report by May 18, please shoot for June 17.



Peter M. Groffman
Professor CUNY Advanced Science Research Center and
Brooklyn College Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
85 St. Nicholas Terrace, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10031

Email:  Peter.Groffman at asrc.cuny.edu<mailto:Peter.Groffman at asrc.cuny.edu>
Phone (office):  212-413-3143
Phone (cell):  845-797-4832

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