[LTER-cdb_admin] ClimDB harvest csv ready.

Gastil Gastil-Buhl gastil.gastil-buhl at ucsb.edu
Mon Jun 15 15:47:19 PDT 2020

Hi Suzanne, or Yang, or whomever is lucky enough to be the current help

I made a ClimDB-format .csv file of the Moorea data to infill the missing
years so it will be there before the archive deadline of July 1st. My file
is here:


I see that the URL I used to harvest from was in a place that is no longer
web view-able so I moved the file to a new URL (as above).

So, I really DID read the manual, at least this one:
climhydro_userguide_2012.pdf, which says I need to edit my harvest url
using the "online metadata forms under the research area category". But
where is and what is that? Sorry. Im not seeing the "metadata forms" on
this page:

Where should I be looking?
Thank you,
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