[LTER-BioProd] update for LTER synthesis working group on scaling-up BEF

Forest Isbell isbell at umn.edu
Mon Dec 28 09:45:44 PST 2020

Dear all,

I hope this message finds you well, and ideally taking a break for the
holidays. Here is an update on projects identified in our third meeting,
which was in February 2019. For your reference, the list of projects and
leaders can also be found here:
If you would like to contribute to one or more of these projects, then
please feel free to contact the project leader(s) and offer ways to help.
If you have questions, then please feel free to ask the project leaders or
me. Thanks in advance for your contributions!

Best wishes,

Forest, Jane, and Laura

*NutNet BEF causality analysis led by Laura Dee*
>From Laura: I sent a draft out to people who indicated interest in being
involved and have done a very substantial amount of work on revisions, so
don't have major updates on either of the other papers listed below.

*Nonrandom changes in biodiversity and EF co-led by Laura Dee and Tim
>From Laura: I sent out a revised text to our core subgroup. I am working
with Nathan on some reanalyses following Yann's comments. I am waiting on
comments/edits from Tim before revising to circulate more broadly. I'll aim
for Feb to do that.

*BEF causality review led by Laura Dee*
>From Laura: No other updates at this time but please reach out if you would
like to help me push this along with revisions of sections of this text.

*Global survey*
>From Forest: You should have received a message from me in October
requesting your feedback on the draft manuscript. I received an
overwhelming amount of extremely useful feedback (thank you!) and have been
working hard over the last couple of months to revise accordingly. This
included sending a follow-up survey to coauthors. If you would like to
collaborate on this project and haven't yet had a chance to submit feedback
on the manuscript, then please contact me right away so I can make sure you
are included. I will send the revised manuscript back to all coauthors
within the next 2-3 weeks.

*Quantifying performance-enhancing insurance effects led by Forest Isbell*
>From Forest: Although it is not moving as quickly as I would like, I still
plan to push this paper forward.

*Drivers of stability across spatial scales led by Yann Hautier*
>From Yann: Published <https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-19252-4>!!!
Yeah!!! Thanks all for the great collaboration.

*Global drivers of biodiversity loss (N) led by Yann Hautier*
>From Yann: We had some discussion with Laura on how best to proceed with
some parts of the analysis and how the crew in SB could help. But this did
not go far yet. I want to push this project further real soon.

*SAR, EAR, and BEF led by Akira Mori*
>From Akira: the paper is still in review (third round).

*Agenda 2049 led by Mary O’Connor*
>From Mary: I (Mary) presented the Agenda paper at ESA in August, in a
special session organized by Sasha Wright, Laura Dee, Katie Barry and Andy
Gonzalez. Around that time I revised the draft of the paper and got a new
round of comments from Akira, Andy G, Laura, Forest and Jane. Then… the
semester happened. Everyone agreed the ms was in good shape and the next
step was to circulate it once more and then submit it. Journal: Proc Roy
Soc Review, ~ 5000 words. I spent a day on it this week, and it just needs
a little more work from me to get it to a possibly final draft that then
you can see. Expect this from me in early Jan, with the aim to submit it by
the end of the month. If you would prefer to see the draft now before the
Jan term starts, I’m happy to send it to you, the final steps I need to
take won’t change the ms that much.

*Global BEF led by Sasha Wright*
No update at this time.
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