[LTER-All-lter] LTER Network News | 2019 June
Marty Downs
downs at nceas.ucsb.edu
Fri Jun 28 08:00:44 PDT 2019
June 2019
*LTER Network News is a forum for sharing news and activities from across
the LTER Network. This is our water cooler. If you have personnel changes,
new grants, cross-Network activities that might interest your LTER
colleagues, please send them along to weiss at nceas.lternet.edu
<weiss at nceas.lternet.edu>.*
The second Open Science Meeting of the International LTER Network
<http://www.ilter-2019-leipzig.de/> will be *September 2-6, 2019* in
Leipzig Germany. This meeting is held only every three years and offers
great opportunities to build connections and develop project ideas with
international colleagues.
The LTER Network Office is planning to release a *new call for synthesis
working group proposals* in August 2019. When the call is released, it will
be announced through the all-lter at lternet.edu mailing list, the LTER web
site and various other outlets intended to reach a broad community of
The *Summer 2019 issue
of DataBits is now live, including Site Bytes, as well as plenty of
information on new initiatives, such as upgrades to PASTA, Best Practices
for using Zotero to manage bibliographic data, development of a core
metabase for metadata management, a chance to catch up on a former
colleague, and a primer on semantic annotation. Editors John Porter and
Sven Bohm invite you to enjoy the issue and share it with your colleagues.
University of Colorado-Boulder's Earth Lab will be hosting the *NEON
Science Summit
<https://www.colorado.edu/earthlab/2019/06/13/neon-science-summit>* in
Colorado on October 15-17, 2019*. This meeting will convene current and
prospective users of data from NEON to explore major questions that can be
addressed at continental scales. If you or anyone on your team are
interested in how NEON might intersect with your current work, you are
encouraged to apply! Some travel funding is available through NEON.
The Division of Environmental Biology (DEB) in the Directorate for
Biological Sciences at the National Science Foundation is seeking a Deputy
Division Director. This position is posted as SES Career (Senior Executive
Service, permanent), SES Limited Term (1-3 years) or IPA. Please refer to
the *USAJOBS announcement
<https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/536933400>* for further
information on the position and how to apply.
Around the Network
At the LTER Science Council Meeting in May, outgoing Chair Peter Groffman
handed the gavel (or the virtual gavel, at least) to the new Chair, *Diane
McKnight <https://instaar.colorado.edu/people/diane-m-mcknight/>* of the
McMurdo Dry Valleys LTER and the Niwot Ridge LTER. Wondering what the
Executive Board and the Science Council have been up to lately? View the
latest *approved Executive Board meeting notes
on the LTER document archive, as well as the *site lightning talks
<https://lternet.edu/documents/site-lightning-talks-2019/> *from the
Science Council Meeting.
Congratulations to Nick Haddad, Lead PI of Kellogg Biological Station LTER,
on *his newly released book “The Last Butterflies”
<http://www.kbs.msu.edu/2019/06/the-last-butterflies/>*, which documents
recent butterfly declines and the hope and possibility of their
conservation. The book was chosen as one of Nature's 5 best science picks
<https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-01897-x> for the week.
Best wishes to *Wade Sheldon*, Lead Information Manager at Georgia Coastal
Ecosystems LTER, for his retirement at the end of this month. We’d like to
thank Wade for his dedication and leadership in the LTER IM Committee over
the years. *Adam Sapp* will take Wade’s place as the new Lead IM at this
site. Welcome, Adam!
*Don Henshaw* of the Andrews Forest LTER will also be retiring from his
LTER Information Management role. Fortunately, his replacement, *Suzanne
Remillard*, has already been on the job for quite a while. And while we're
noting information management transitions, *Eda Melendez* retired from the
Luquillo LTER site last year and is sorely missed.
Save the Dates
*LTER Committee Meetings and LTER-related events are available for your
reference at any time on the LTER Network Calendar.
<https://lternet.edu/home/lter-network-calendar/> *
2019 Ecological Society of America Meeting <https://esa.org/louisville/>*.*
In 2019, ESA Meets jointly with the U.S. Society for Ecological Economics,
in Louisville Kentucky. Meeting dates are August 11-16 and the meeting
theme is “Bridging Communities & Ecosystems: Inclusion as an Ecological
Aquatic Sensors Workshop <https://asw.limnology.wisc.edu/>, Trout Lake
Station, Wisconsin. The North Temperate Lakes LTER and the University of
Wisconsin-Madison's Trout Lake Station are sponsoring a four-day workshop
from September 23-27, 2019 on aquatic sensors technology and
implementation. This workshop is primarily aimed at graduate students and
others in the environmental sciences who would like an introduction to
electronics and sensors that measure physical and chemical variables in
2019 American Geophysical Union Meeting <https://www2.agu.org/fall-meeting>.
The 2019 AGU Meeting is back in San Francisco, December 9-13. It’s too late
to submit a session or workshop, but abstract submission will be open in
the summer. The theme is “Discover Science at the Speed of Life.”
Reminder: When submitting meeting abstracts, please try to include LTER or
“Long Term Ecological Research” in your title, abstract, or affiliation, so
that we can find and share your work.
Recent PressFrom the National Science Foundation
- Native plant species may be at greater risk from climate change than
- In search of an undersea kelp forest's missing nitrogen
- Stabilizing food production through crop diversity
Other media
- Monitoring changing world at CU Boulder’s Mountain Research Station
| Daily Camera
- Seedbeds of Collaboration
<http://terra.oregonstate.edu/2019/05/seedbeds-of-collaboration/> |
Terra Magazine
- The Continental Outlier
<https://methods.sciencefriday.com/the-continental-outlier> | Science
- Pathogens Help Different Plant Species To Live Together, Study Suggests
| Utah Public Radio
- New book delves into the lives of the world’s rarest butterflies
| Michigan State University
- UCSB Researchers Find Biodiversity Stabilizes Kelp Forest Ecosystems
| Santa Barbara NoozHawk
- Protecting rare species can benefit human life
<https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/05/190516155336.htm> |
Science Daily
- UGA Appalachian ecological research program is ending after 40 years
of operation
| The Red and Black (University of Georgia News)
Papers of Interest
*The most recent LTER-related papers <https://lternet.edu/bibliography/>
are available on the LTER Network web site and the full Network
bibliography is available at the LTER Network Zotero Group Library
<https://www.zotero.org/groups/2055673/lter_network/items>. *
- Populations are not declining and food webs are not collapsing at the
Luquillo Experimental Forest <https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1820456116> |
- Farmers, information, and nutrient management in the US Midwest
<http://www.jswconline.org/content/74/3/269> | Journal of Soil and Water
- Differing climate and landscape effects on regional dryland vegetation
responses during wet periods allude to future patterns
<https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.14724> | Global Change Biology
- Tracking a Governance Transition: Identifying and Measuring Indicators
of Social Forestry on the Willamette National Forest
<https://doi.org/10.1080/08941920.2019.1605434> | Society and Natural
Jobs and Graduate Opportunities
- Director, University of Michigan Biological Station (UMBS)
- Deputy Division Director – NSF Division of Environmental Biology
- Postdoc in Scenarios and Futures at Central Arizona-Phoenix LTER
- Postdoc in Landscape Ecology or Macrosystems Ecology at the USDA
Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Jornada Experimental Range
<http://jornada.nmsu.edu>. To apply: email CV, list of publications, and
names and contact information of three references to Dr. Debra Peters (
deb.peters at ars.usda.gov).
Funding Opportunities
Dynamics of Integrated Socio-Environmental Systems
Sept. 17, 2019: Letters of intent
Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions
Oct. 1, 2019: Preliminary proposals for Institutional Transformation
Nov 1, 2019: Letters of intent for Adaptation and Partnership competition
Opportunities for Promoting Understanding through Synthesis
Aug 28, 2019: Full proposals
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation’s Symbiosis in Aquatic Systems Initiative
Earthwatch Institute accepting pre-proposals
<https://earthwatch.org/Research-Funding/Apply-for-Funding> for research
Committees and Interest Groups
The following committees are actively seeking new members. Please reach out
to the designated contact people if you have interest. The listing of
active *LTER committees and their membership
<https://lternet.edu/committees/>* is always available on the LTER Network
web site.
*Cross-site REU proposal team*: A group of investigators and REU
coordinators are looking at developing a proposal for a cross-site REU
program. Sam Norlin(norlin at nceas.ucsb.edu) is coordinating interest.
*Diversity Committee*: Interested in helping develop a set of resources and
best practices to apply across the Network? Alan Berkowitz (
berkowitza at caryinstitute.org) co-chairs this committee.
*Communications Committee*: Clarisse Hart (hart3 at fas.harvard.edu) and Lina
DiGregorio ( lina.digregorio at oregonstate.edu) chair this committee that is
building a community of practice among LTER communicators and investigators.
Marty Downs (she/her/hers)
Deputy Director, LTER Network Communications Office
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
University of California, Santa Barbara
Office: 805-893-7549
Cell: 617-833-7930
downs at nceas.ucsb.edu
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