[LTER-All-lter] Seeking participants for LTER-NEON Synergies Workshop

Marty Downs downs at nceas.ucsb.edu
Thu Nov 10 08:59:11 PST 2016

We are seeking participants, especially early career scientists,  for a
workshop to explore synergies between the National Ecological Observatory
Network (NEON) and the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network.  The
workshop will take place at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and
Synthesis/LTER National Communications Office located in Santa Barbara, CA
from March 28 – 31, 2017.  The meeting will begin in the morning on
March 29 and
end at noon on March 31.  All your travel expenses would be covered.

The workshop is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and
will address four topics; 1) using LTER data and insights to provide
landscape and regional scale ecological context for NEON sites, 2) using
NEON data to inform the five core areas of LTER research, 3) use LTER
experience and insight to develop long-term conceptual models for NEON
sites and 4) combine data and models from LTER and NEON sites to improve
predictions of future ecological trajectories at regional to continental
scales.  The workshop is led by Peter Groffman, current chair of the LTER
Science Council along with co-Chair Julia Jones from the Andrews LTER site
and will include representatives from LTER, NEON, and the Critical Zone
Observatory network.  We encourage applications for individuals, especially
early career scientists, interested in long term and continental scale

Please send inquiries and applications (cover letter, vita) to
peter.groffman at cuny.asrc.edu by December 9, 2016.


Peter M. Groffman

Professor CUNY Advanced Science Research Center and

Brooklyn College Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

85 St. Nicholas Terrace, 5th Floor

New York, NY 10031

Email:  Peter.Groffman at asrc.cuny.edu

Phone (office):  212-413-3143

Phone (cell):  845-797-4832

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