[LTER-All-lter] Announcement: Associate Dean/Director for Research - Oregon State University, College of Forestry (host of the LTER program)

Nelson, Michael mpnelson at oregonstate.edu
Tue Feb 9 07:17:49 MST 2016

Dear LTER Colleagues,

Please pass along the announcement below/attached.  This is an important position for our LTER program.  We are hoping to attract someone from the ecological sciences since our entire college upper administration is made up of social scientists/economists.

Best, Michael
Michael Paul Nelson, Ph.D.
Ruth H. Spaniol Chair of Renewable Resources and
Professor of Environmental Philosophy and Ethics
Lead-PI, HJ Andrews LTER Program
Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR  97331
email: mpnelson at oregonstate.edu
website: www.michaelpnelson.com

The College of Forestry (forestry.oregonstate.edu) at Oregon State University seeks an Associate Dean/Director for Research. To encourage the broadest pool of qualified candidates, this position is being recruited as either an academic rank with tenure position (Associate Dean) or as a professional faculty position with annual appointments (Director).  The incumbent is responsible for leading the strategic development and execution of innovative, effective, and respected research programs that support the regional, national and international distinction of the College of Forestry. With a primary focus on research and university/private partnerships, the incumbent provides timely, cost effective, and knowledgeable support for obtaining, managing and coordinating the organizational resources necessary to conduct the forestry and natural resources-related research activities that help achieve the mission of the College, the Forest Research Laboratory, and the Institute for Working Forest Landscapes.

To apply and for the full position description, visit https://jobs.oregonstate.edu/postings/21095. To ensure full consideration, applications should be received by March 15, 2016. Please refer questions to Adrienne Wonhof in the Dean’s Office, 541-737-4279, Adrienne.Wonhof at oregonstate.edu<mailto:Adrienne.Wonhof at oregonstate.edu>.

Thomas Maness, PhD
Cheryl Ramberg Ford and Allyn C. Ford Dean
College of Forestry
Oregon State University


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