[LTER-All-lter] SciFund Science Communication and Outreach Training

Frank Davis frank.davis at nceas.ucsb.edu
Sun Oct 11 12:19:40 MDT 2015

Dear LTER Community,

Sorry for cross-postings.

Here is a message from NCEAS Associate and NCO collaborator Jai
Ranganathan. Jai offers a highly successful online class for scientists
interested in public communication and outreach training. He has reserved
up to 10 slots for LTER scientists and students, who can register via this
LTER-specific link: http://bit.ly/1VsELAO . The link to information about
the class- which Jai offers free of charge - is provided below. This is a
great opportunity.


Are you interested in connecting to the public with your research? If
so, you're in luck. SciFund Challenge (a non-profit organization) is
organizing an outreach training class for scientists that will be
running for five weeks, from late October to late November. The class
is free and is intended for scientists that are new to outreach, but
would like to get started with it. The class is open to scientists at
any level, in any discipline. The class will be conducted over the
Internet, so all countries are welcome. The deadline to fill out the
short application form is October 16th. You can find more information
about the class here:

Frank W. Davis, Director
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
University of California, Santa Barbara
735 State St., Suite 300
Santa Barbara, CA 93101-3351, USAhttp://www.nceas.ucsb.edu
Tel (805) 893-7527
Fax (805) 893-7451
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