[LTER-im-rep] Brief survey regarding LTER Network bibliography

Marty Downs downs at nceas.ucsb.edu
Tue Dec 11 16:22:08 PST 2018

Dear LTER IMs,
A consistent, reliable LTER Network bibliography will be a key element of
the decadal review process. I have spent a lot of time lately with the old
network bibliography. While it *could* be transferred to a standard
bibliographic reference manager, I have come to the conclusion that we may
be better off re-compiling it from site bibliographies. Much of the
information was treated inconsistently when it was entered and fields were
not always well-matched.

I suspect you have more and better information in your site bibliographies.
The linked survey has just a few brief questions that will help determine
the most efficient pathway for getting to our goal. I would appreciate
timely responses to this survey *(by 12/17, if possible)* so that I can map
out an efficient approach to this important issue.

*LTER Bibliography Survey* <https://goo.gl/forms/TDU2ilbwpMn8OIUY2>


Marty Downs
Deputy Director, LTER Network Communications Office

LTER Science Update

National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
University of California, Santa Barbara
Office: 805-893-7549
Cell: 617-833-7930
downs at nceas.ucsb.edu
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