<H1>Harvest summary for Plum Island Ecosystem</H1><H4>From http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/harvest/usgs/pie_lter.txt</H4><H4>To <a href=' https://climhy.lternet.edu'>https://climhy.lternet.edu</a></H4>Harvest initiated on Fri, 17 May 2019 10:05:23 GMT
<BR>The data file was last modified on : Fri, 17 May 2019 10:02:42 GMT
<BR><P><H3>Started with PIE,PR1101000,20181109
</H3><H3>Ended with PIE,PR1101000,20190516
</H3><H3>Started with PIE,IP1101500,20181206
</H3><H3>Ended with PIE,IP1101500,20190516
</H3><H3>Started with PIE,IP1102000,20180726
</H3><H3>Finished with PIE,IP1102000,20190516
</H3><H3>Summary of PIE follows:
</H3><H3> ON INPUT:
</H3> 649 lines read.
<BR> 0 blank lines.
<BR> 3 header lines.
</H3> 0 duplicate errors raised.
<BR> 0 process errors raised. (first 0 listed above)
<BR> 0 warnings raised.
</H3> 646 data points prepared for entry into centralized database.
Would you like to see the <A HREF=https://climhy.lternet.edu/data/PIE.in>harvested data</A> from Plum Island Ecosystem?<BR>
Would you like to see the <A HREF=https://climhy.lternet.edu/data/PIE.out>prepared data</A> from Plum Island Ecosystem?<BR>
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