<H1>Harvest summary for H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest</H1><H4>From http://lterweb.forestry.oregonstate.edu/fsdbdata/reaper/and_clim.txt</H4><H4>To <a href=' https://climhy.lternet.edu'>https://climhy.lternet.edu</a></H4>Harvest initiated on Wed, 28 Feb 2018 23:35:04 GMT
<BR>The data file was last modified on : Wed, 28 Feb 2018 23:34:56 GMT
<BR><P><H3>Started with AND,CS2MET,20090101
</H3><FONT COLOR=RED>ERROR</FONT>(002): Flag character A not recognized at:
<BR> AND,CS2MET,20090101 input file (AND) line 2
<P><FONT COLOR=RED>ERROR</FONT>(002): Flag character A not recognized at:
<BR> AND,CS2MET,20090102 input file (AND) line 3
<P><FONT COLOR=RED>ERROR</FONT>(002): Flag character A not recognized at:
<BR> AND,CS2MET,20090103 input file (AND) line 4
<P><FONT COLOR=RED>ERROR</FONT>(002): Flag character A not recognized at:
<BR> AND,CS2MET,20090104 input file (AND) line 5
<P><FONT COLOR=RED>ERROR</FONT>(002): Flag character A not recognized at:
<BR> AND,CS2MET,20090105 input file (AND) line 6
<P><FONT COLOR=RED>ERROR</FONT>(002): Flag character A not recognized at:
<BR> AND,CS2MET,20090106 input file (AND) line 7
<P><FONT COLOR=RED>ERROR</FONT>(002): Flag character A not recognized at:
<BR> AND,CS2MET,20090107 input file (AND) line 8
<P><FONT COLOR=RED>ERROR</FONT>(002): Flag character A not recognized at:
<BR> AND,CS2MET,20090108 input file (AND) line 9
<P><FONT COLOR=RED>ERROR</FONT>(002): Flag character A not recognized at:
<BR> AND,CS2MET,20090109 input file (AND) line 10
<P><FONT COLOR=RED>ERROR</FONT>(002): Flag character A not recognized at:
<BR> AND,CS2MET,20090110 input file (AND) line 11
<P><FONT COLOR=RED>FATAL ERROR</FONT>:(902) Stopped logging errors after 10 errors encountered; Process is aborted:
<BR>Finished with AND,CS2MET,20090110
<P><H3>Finished with AND,CS2MET,20090110
</H3><H3>Summary of AND follows:
</H3><H3> ON INPUT:
</H3> 11 lines read.
<BR> 0 blank lines.
<BR> 1 header lines.
</H3> 0 duplicate errors raised.
<BR> Fatal process errors raised.
<BR> 0 warnings raised.
</H3> 18 data points prepared for entry into centralized database.
<BR> Due to the fatal error listed above the database can not been updated.
Would you like to see the <A HREF=https://climhy.lternet.edu/data/AND.in>harvested data</A> from H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest?<BR>
Would you like to see the <A HREF=https://climhy.lternet.edu/data/AND.out>prepared data</A> from H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest?<BR>
Would you like to return to the <A HREF='https://climhy.lternet.edu/harvest'>CLIMDB/HYDRODB participant web page</A>?<BR>
<H1> <FONT COLOR='red'> Fatal error while updating the central database.</H1> <H2>Please either correct the data file and re-harvest or contact the database administrator.</H2></FONT>